A New Era of The Tone Lab

Fellow Hackers,

I am so excited for the new era of “Pedalhacker’s” and the Tone Lab!  After a few years of health issues, I am taking a step back and leaving you in the capable hands of Kyle. He is young, passionate, and enthusiastic about pedals, tone, and the components that make it all happen. We are expanding our inventory and looking to grow even further to serve the DIY and larger scale pedal building community, as I have for the last 20 years. I’ll be handling parts procurement, adding some blog posts to share knowledge, and help with communications. Kyle will be shipping orders, managing the website (check out all the killer new pro photos!) as well as social media, and tons of behind-the-scenes boring business stuff.

I’ll be available for whatever y’all need, you can still get a hold of me by emailing sales@pedalhacker.com. I’m really excited to see what the future holds for Kyle and I. I really believe that, together, we can provide the selection AND the service the community deserves.  Now, go get your hack on!

Much love,


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